Here are some tips for treating acne based on face mapping, which links areas of acne on your face to possible internal causes
:Here is how to treat acne based on face mapping:
Chin or Jawline: It may therefore be hormonal causes, such as menstruation or some digestive problems here that can cause breakouts. Why not cut down on dairy products, sweets, or coffee?
Consuming chamomile or red raspberry leaf tea could balance the hormonal system and consuming supplements like evening primrose oil or probiotic might improve the digestive system.
Cheeks: For instance, if a person has acne on the cheeks, then he or she should consider food intolerances or digestion issues. Avoid milk products, chocolates, processed foods etc. which is the main source of acne issues Take fiber rich foods and foods that help to reduce inflammation.
Forehead: Some of the breakouts here are commonly linked to dieting or digestion issues. Reduce portion size of foods high in calories, unhealthy fats, sugars and processed products. Have more kefir or yogurt or even a supplement with good bacteria to improve gut/skin relationship.
Nose/Nostrils: Blackheads that develop around the T-zone, particularly the area that covers the nose and inner cheeks may be indicative of an environmental allergy or a deficiency in some vitamins.
If there is high pollen count, then take antihistamine. Consume more foods that are rich in Vitamins A, E and zinc as they help to enhance skin health.
Acne around mouth/lip area: The negative or unfavorable outcomes related to allergies or irritation that may arise from lip or oral products.
However, there are many theories concerning the face mapping, but in the scientific state, the evidence is not quite clear. Acne is usually multifactorial and can be classified as node-please. It is probably very likely that there actually exists an interaction between the lifestyle, hormones, genetics and other inputs. A visit to a dermatologist might just show what is lurking underneath, from tests that are exclusive to that individual.
Apart from head and neck area, simple face care and mild washing is usually recommended in any part of the body.
In summary 💡 , one should attempt to wash with gentle soaps, buy over-the-counter products such as tea tree oil, and see a dermatologist if the acne does not go away or is severe
. If the internal trigger related to the place is identified, the cause could be addressed.