Reducing Redness from Pimples and Acne:
– Wash the skin with an appropriate mild soap to further remove any debris but avoid rubbing it harshly. Do not scrub the skin or use soap that is harsh or has an exfoliating property.
– Use green-colored concealer to cancel out the redness of the facial skin before applying makeup such as foundation or powder. Such green color correcting products balance red tones.
– Choose oil-free noncomedogenic cosmetics and moisturizers, which won’t clog the pores and exacerbate the condition.
– To improve skin health, one should make sure he or she drinks a lot of water and his/her diet should be rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
– To a certain extent, stress may exacerbate inflammation of the skin, so it is recommended to use relaxation methods.
– Exercise regularly, as this can lower inflammation levels, especially if you are a woman over the age of 50.
– When cleaning the face, make sure to apply sunscreen as it helps in reducing new formation of dark patches over the pimples as well as to protect the skin.
That’s why one should be particularly careful with the products and treatments used on inflamed skin or skin that has open wounds.
It is also important to remain patient as some of the home remedies and measures discussed in this article may take some time before the required change becomes evident. In extreme or chronic situations, it is advisable to consult a medical doctor or other qualified health care provider.

Listed below are some natural home remedies that may help in narrowing down redness from pimples and acne.
Here are some effective options 💡
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects helping to treat P. acnes which is the bacteria that form acne, decreases redness and inflammation 1.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Diluting apple cider vinegar with water and applying to the skin using a cotton wool can help resolve redness .
More so, honey makes a natural product for the control and treatment of acne and pimples, as a spot application of the product soothes the skin and reduces redness
An effective treatment for a red, angry pimple could be the Aloe plant due to the plant’s ability to lessen redness and inflammation
Iced Green Tea
Another herbal treatment that can be taken internally is iced green tea; can aid in lessening redness of acne and pimples
Please bear in mind that at home remedies can prevent redness caused by pimples, and stores harsh acne zits can be camouflaged using makeup
The readers should be advised that although some of these natural remedies can be useful in alleviation of the redness, they may not be very efficient in all cases.